



2012.8-2016.8 香港城市大学,媒体与传播学博士

Ph.D. in Media and Communications, City University of Hong Kong




2005.7-2012.7 中国移动有限责任公司广东广州分公司 品牌经理

2017.2-现在 广东外语外贸大学 新闻与传播学院 讲师 副教授





  1. Wanqi Gong. & Li, X.,(2017) Engaging fans on microblog: the synthetic influence of parasocial interaction and source characteristics on celebrity endorsement. Psychology & Marketing372)(SSCI一区,google scholar cite 引用 305

  2. Wanqi Gong, (2020) Effects of parasocial interaction, brand credibility and product involvement on celebrity endorsement on microblog, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, , 33(6)1437-1454. SSCI.

  3. Wanqi Gong, Xigen Li (2019). Microblogging reactions to celebrity endorsement: effects of parasocial relationship and source factors, Chinese Journal of Communication, , 12(2)187-205. SSCI.

  4. Wanqi Gong; Qin Guo (2022). Framing Public Opinion on Physician-patient Conflicts on Microblog: A Comparative Content Analysis, Frontiers in Public Health. SCIE, SSCI.

  5. Wanqi Gong, & Liu, J. (2023). Investigating the Predictors of Telemedicine Service Usage Intention in China During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Extended Technology Acceptance Perspective. Telemedicine and e-Health. SCIE一区

  6. Wanqi Gong, Jiang, L. C., Guo, Q., & Shen, F. (2023). The role of family communication patterns in intergenerational COVID-19 discussions and preventive behaviors: a social cognitive approach. BMC psychology, 11(1), 290. SSCI

  7. Wanqi Gong, Tu, C., & Jiang, L. C. (2017). Stigmatized Portrayals of Single Women: A Content Analysis of News Coverage on Single Women and Single Men in China. Journal of Gender Studies.  Apr2017, Vol. 26 Issue 2, p197-211. 15pDoi: 10.1080/09589236.2015.1095082 . SSCI

  8. 龚婉祺 郭沁 蒋莉 2018),中国单身女性困境:多元交叉的社会压力和歧视第一作者 2018.2 《浙江大学学报(人文社科版)》(CSSCI,被《高等学校文科学术文摘》及《中国人民大学复印报刊资料》转载)

  9. 龚婉祺; 郭沁; 蒋莉; 健康传播中的反哺效应:代际沟通对 中老年人传染病防控行为的影响研究, 浙江大学学报(人文社科版), 2021, 51(2)42-53. CSSCI.

  10. 龚婉祺, & 李喜根. (2018). 微博红人广告行为的预期背离及其影响——基于预期违背理论框架的广告效果研究. 新媒体与社会.CSSCI集刊



1. 主持国家自科基金青年项目:准社会交往和广告植入形式对自媒体广告效果的影响——基于预期违背理论的实证研究(2018年立项,结项)

2. 主持教育部人文社科青年项目:社交媒体中医患关系的框架构建及沟通机制研究(2018年立项,结项)

3. 主持广东省自然科学基金项目:准社会交往和广告植入形式对自媒体广告效果的影响——基于预期违背理论的实证研究(2018年立项, 结项)

4. 主持广东省教育厅高校特色创新项目:社交媒体环境中医患关系的框架构建及医患沟通机制研究(2018年立项, 结项)

5. 主持钟南山基金会委托项目:南山科普教育项目(2022年立项,结项)

6. 参与Overcoming Barriers to Influenza Vaccination in Hong Kong: Designing Culture-Centric Narratives for Health Promotion (香港特区政府研究基金,Research Grants Council General Research Fund),2015-2017



2018-2022  广东外语外贸大学 优秀科研业绩奖

2016.4    Outstanding academic student paper, City University of Hong Kong

2015.11   Best paper of the Sixth Honors Symposium for Asian PhD Students in Communication Research

2014.08 Best paper in Women status section in AEJMC

2012-2016 香港特区政府博士研究生奖学金


